Other Funding

When putting together a project it is useful to look at a range of possible funding sources. Some of those that may be of interest to Ngāi Tahu Fund applicants are:

www.creativenz.govt.nz click on ‘Funding’ and then on ‘Te Waka Toi’.

Oranga Marae supports the physical and cultural revitalisation of marae as centres of Māori identity and mātauranga. Oranga Marae is provided by Te Puni Kōkiri and the Department of Internal Affairs. It replaces the Lottery Marae Heritage and Facilities Fund (LMHF), which has permanently closed.

Lottery Significant Projects Fund provides grants to purchase, create or improve community assets that have regional or national significance.

Lottery Environment and Heritage Fund provides grants for plans, reports and one-off projects that will protect, conserve and promote New Zealand’s natural, cultural and physical heritage.

The Pacific Development and Conservation Trust administered by Internal Affairs funds projects which promote sustainable development in the South Pacific (including Aotearoa), while conserving the natural environment and cultural heritage of its peoples.

Funding for Community Groups provides contact addresses of gaming machine societies that distribute grants to community groups.

Ministry for the Environment has a number of funding streams.

The Local Government and Community Branch of Internal Affairs administers and provides information and advice on nine other community grants or funding schemes to support local initiatives, community services and community-based youth development.

The Rata Trust welcomes applications from groups located in the Canterbury (North of the Rakaia River), the Nelson and Marlborough regions and the Chatham Islands. Call 03 335 0305, or 0508 266 878 (toll free) to discuss putting in an application.

Mā Te Reo is a programme designed to provide financial support to projects that contribute to community based Māori language regeneration. Aimed at rebuilding and strengthening the language in Māori communities, it provides an opportunity for whānau, hapū, iwi, māori organisations and individuals to realise their aspirations in relation to reo Māori, through a range of activities such as the development of resources, language plans and the running of events.